Using Your BodyTech

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• Stretch

Plantar Fascia Stretch

  • Wedge your foot into the ramp as shown, starting from the heel.
  • Gently increase tension until a comfortable end range of motion is found.
  • Hold 15-20s and repeat at least 3x.
  • Works best in conjunction with plantar fascia roll.
*must be performed barefoot or in a sock*

Ankle Glide

  • Place your heel on the ground, and the ball of your foot on the edge of the ramp.
  • Keeping the heel on the ground, gently glide the knee over the toes, holding for 3-5 seconds at the end range of motion.
  • Repeat 10x per foot before moving on to the stretching protocol.

Calf Stretch

  • Place your foot onto the ramp as shown (inverted).
  • Gently increase tension until comfortable end range of motion is found.
  • Stretch the gastrocnemius (your visible “calf”) by maintaining a straight leg.
  • Stretch the soleus (lower calf) by bending your knee – maintaining a flat heel.
  • Hold 15-20s and repeat at least 3x.

• Release

Plantar Fascia Roll

  • Place your foot into the ramp as shown, seeking out the soft tissue between your heel and the ball of your foot.
  • Seek 3-4 areas of increased tension to focus on; work around different areas to address your unique needs.
  • Settle onto an area, relax the foot for 15-20s and repeat at least 3x.
  • Works best in conjunction with plantar fascia stretch.
*must be performed barefoot or in a sock* 

Calf Roll

  • Place your calf onto the ramp as shown, seeking out the soft tissue between your mid-calf and back of your knee.
  • Seek 3-4 areas of increased tension to focus on; work around different areas to address your unique needs.
  • Settle onto an area, and relax the ankle for 15-20s and repeat at least 3x.
  • Works best in conjunction with calf stretch.

• Strengthen

Isometric Toe Flexor Squeeze

  • Place your foot onto the ramp as shown, hooking the toes over the lip of the stretch surface.
  • Pull the padding by clenching all five toes, as if scrunching a towel.
  • Hold maximum tension for 3-5 seconds and relax.
  • Repeat 10-15x on both sides for 2-3 sets.
*must be performed barefoot or in a sock* 

Plantar Fascia Heel Raise

  • Place your feet onto the ramp as shown, resting the toes over the curvature of the surface, and your hands on the wall in front of you for balance.
  • Raise both heels off the ground, trying to maintain a tight grip with all ten toes.
  • Pause at the top, and then descend with control for 3-5 seconds.
  • Repeat 10-15x for 2-3 sets.

Heel/Calf Raise

  • Place your feet onto the ramp as shown, with the heels resting on the ground, and your hands on the wall in front of you for balance.
  • Raise both heels off the ground, trying to maintain a tight grip with all ten toes.
  • Pause at the top, and then descend with control for 3-5 seconds.
  • Repeat 10-15x for 2-3 sets.
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